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Ellie Stewart Interview - Cyber Smut

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Today I interviewed Ellie Stewart - Londoner and author of 'Send Nudes' in our Cyber Smut anthology. She's a lovely and genuine human being, with some revealing details about why she decided to publish such a highly-personal nonfiction story. Enjoy. ~ Julianne

Here are the interview questions:

1. What’s your favourite story from your travels?

2. Is this your first time being published?

3. Do you remember your reaction when you first learned your story would be published in Cyber Smut?

4. How do you feel about your story being in an anthology titled Cyber Smut? Any reaction from friends or family?

5. How do you feel about sharing this highly-personal non-fiction story? What made you decide to share this story?

6. How do you decide if you want to tell a fiction or a non-fiction story?

7. Can you tell us about the experimental aspect of your writing?

8. Has your pregnancy impacted your studies or writing in any way?

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Cyber Smut is a collection of 25 poems and short stories about how the internet and technology impacts our lives and relationships. Release date is 15 September 2020. Pre-orders are available on our website:

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