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Thank you all for your votes and comments for our nomination! xx Guts
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For nurturing and empowering authors from working class & diverse backgrounds to tell their stories that otherwise would not have been heard.
Guts are open to many strands of writing and celebrate diversity in all its forms . Good writing finds it’s home with Guts - no other barriers to publication
Well deserved!
I love Juianne’s dedication to show us a side of society often overlooked and misunderstood!
Voting for a worthy publisher which celebrates the diversity of modern culture.
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I really believe in this publishing house and all the work they are doing to give those in the community a voice when they are often shunned from mainstream representation. Through literature, they bring communities together, celebrate diversity, and share a common love for fantastic storytelling.
For a small publisher, Guts Publishing is a home for so many different voices, and many of them are under-represented.
I can't think of another publisher that is so fearless in publishing material which many would considered taboo. The incredible range of writers (and their diverse backgrounds) is testament to this.
As a blogger, book reviewer,and avid life-long reader, I have been following ALL the books that Guts publishes, reviewing several of them because of the great joy, knowledge, and understanding I gained from exposures to voices we don't normally get to hear from. Wow, a squatters life in London. An English teacher in Japan. A candy girl and her sugar daddies. The list goes on. I buy every book they publish. It's positively addicting because Guts is positively vital!
Publishes a wide range of voices, making important perspectives available, and champions diversity across the board. Very worthy, in my opinion
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Guts are unlike any other publisher. They really do care, and go the extra mile every time to be all inclusive and fully represent communities in the UK.
Because of the diversity and inclusion efforts
Great range of gritty memoirs
I love that Guts have discovered such a variety of writers who might not otherwise have been published. They don't stick to traditional literary topics but are engaged in documenting life as it is experienced by those out of the glare of mainstream cultural life. They're contrary and brave, entertaining and colourful, and I applaud their active and overt commitment to diversity. Looking forward to reading many more off-beat memoirs from Guts in the future.
I know their books and their mission and I think what they do is very noble.
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I love the diverse range of works published by Guts. Julianne is really passionate about finding and nurturing new talent - more people should know about Guts.
I love the diversity of Guts Publishing’s books. They champion under-represented writers
For giving working class writers a chance
The editor at Guts puts in an absolutely inordinate amount of work to publishing writers who wouldn't see representation elsewhere.
A fabulous small press publisher who publish such a diverse range of people and books. A huge amount of energy and enthusiasm comes from the woman behind it all.
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Fantastic quality books, always gutsy and enjoyable reads as well as providing opportunities for outstanding authors.
Interesting and diverse publications, many of which I have enjoyed
Guts Publishing's memoirs are not afraid to tackle the big topics, from addiction to sex work, and their anthologies have an admirable range of authors and different viewpoints.
They encourage diversity of thought and their authors highlight subjects we need to discuss. The Peanut Factory by Deborah Price - great insight into the sixties.
For nurturing and empowering authors from working class & diverse backgrounds to tell their stories that otherwise would not have been heard.
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They provide a platform for marginalised voices and stories that might otherwise be overlooked.
They are very inclusive
I vote for Guts publishing because they are looking at real people's stories. I especially loved the book they publish called 'Blade in the Shadow'. I thought this book was a real eye opener into the real life. I like how Guts Publisher has given a voice to the small guy and are ready to challenge the world by publishing these types of stories.
I like their diversity
Guts publish bold works that strike a chord with me.
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They’ve supported my work as a queer author and continue to publish work by authors from around the world with unique, diverse, and intelligent stories that wouldn’t have an audience without Guts.
Truly diverse and encouraging of talent that may not otherwise be recognised.
loved Blade in the Shadow, OCD memoir like no other.
Exciting, innovative, diverse, breaking down barriers & boubdaries
Think they do a great job of encouraging new voices.
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They give important minority voices a platform for work that could go unheard and unread
Love the books from Guts publishing.
Guts is the most exciting and innovative publishing company of our time. An ally for the stories that need to be told, a beacon for writers and a significant contributor to UK Culture!
Brilliant range of books!
Voting for 'Guts' as I have just read the harrowing and inspiring Euphoric Recall by Aidan Martin and I applaud their collaborative approach in addressing issues that other publishers would shy away from. Drug deaths, vulnerability, exploitation, neglect and raw hurt need to be addressed - and they've done this in spades. Good luck.
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The books represent so many different voices in the community
A publishing house that seeks to tell the real stories that others are too scared to. It’s clear why it’s called Guts
Absolutely love Guts and everything they do!
They do a fantastic job supporting diverse writers and bringing writing from diverse voices to the world.
Guts' daring and progressive publishing agenda reflects the diverse community from which it extracts its stories. It sheds a light on otherwise unheard and maligned stories from people whose voices are often neglected.
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Guts Publishing does a fantastic job elevating voices that maybe would not have seen the literary light of day - bringing these voices to a stature with voices put forth by the big publishing houses. A fantastic publisher doing the work!
They're not your average look-for-the-next-bestseller publisher. They take genuine interest in real-world stories and help authors who may not traditionally fit into a polished mold. The stories are real and impactful, and some of their authors have gone on to make a difference in their communities.
Supporting writers of all backgrounds
Guts Publishing gives a platform to voices that are otherwise locked out of the creative industry and society in general. Not only do they support these talented creatives to get a life-changing break, their books become material for positive changes in society. Their work has become interwoven into important political topics and both raises awareness and plays a role in creating positive change. Guts Publishing themselves are an Indie publisher within a cut-throat elite industry. This accolade would not only reward and commend them for their excellent work, it would surely encourage other Indie publishers and/or creatives to take a chance on themselves. It would continue to assist Guts to flourish. They truly do give a voice to the otherwise unheard.
Fabulous independent publishing organisation showcasing a wide range of diverse voices and talent.
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Great writing!!
Great company!
I’m honoured to be voting for an amazing publisher that has demonstrated from the very start to have the guts to represent and divulge diversity and trauma with passion and courage. Extraordinary.
The gritty realism and the broad array of topics their novels cover.
Guts publishing enables people, who wouldn’t usually write, to do so. Stories are thus being told, that otherwise would be unheard.
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Innovative and imaginative approach to the daunting world of publishing. Hugely to be admired
Great unique work
For giving voice to those who Otherwise would not have been heard-
Guts publishing give writers a platform to express themselves in an uncensored way.
Their books Give voices to people from communities who often go unheard. I love the different perspectives and the positive way they promote writing and different stories.
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Guts enables the telling of real stories about real lives, not mediated through the lens of white middle class gatekeepers i.e. traditional agents and publishers. They eschew the establishment, bypass the public school networks, and help ordinary people's extraordinary lives reach readers. They don't act as the arbiters of taste, they instead completely believe in the reader's intelligence to choose stories they feel speak to them. This encourages writers from non-traditional backgrounds to feel their stories are worthwhile, and extends the choice for readers. They make the hidden visible. We need more Guts!
Brave, insightful publishing
Guys Publishing provides writers with a means to distribute their work with a vulnerability not provided through other forums to audiences who might not otherwise experience the diversity of these thoughts.

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