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Writer's pictureJulianne Ingles

Hello Chicago - a letter from Guts

Hello, it's Julianne from Guts. I'm going to Chicago for a visit on 26 April (tomorrow) and feeling over the moon, well, and feeling the mania of travel stress. But I can't wait to see everyone! Yesterday I wrote a letter to friends to let them know and I'd like to share it with you. There's some new info about our next three books (which I'll announce soon!). xx Julianne

p.s. the photo is me in my studio in Chicago years ago - young and with red hair. Many thanks to the awesome Art Carrillo for the photo.

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24 April 2022


It’s been ages since I’ve been in touch, hope all is well with you. I’ve been living in London now for five years and I’m excited to let you know that I’m coming to Chicago for a visit very soon - on 26 April. Looking forward to seeing family and friends. It’s been nearly three years now. Way too long!

Most of you know me as a painter, and I’m still a painter, but now I’m also a book publisher. I started Guts Publishing in May 2019 and since then have published six books – three memoirs and three anthologies – and our seventh will be out in May. Mainly we publish nonfiction, what I call ballsy memoirs. It’s been a wild ride and I’m happy to say that our covers all have original artwork (with two of my paintings on the covers!).

We’ve had lots of success and lots of media attention, in particular with Euphoric Recall and Sending Nudes. Both were covered in major UK publications (The Guardian, BBC and others) and Euphoric Recall was even acknowledged by Scottish Parliament. As well, and I’m over the moon about this, in October 2021 I was endorsed by Arts Council England for a Global Talent Visa. It’s a special visa for people who have made a contribution to UK culture and wish to live and work in the UK. In short, it’s an invitation for me to live and work here for an unlimited amount of time. Which is what I plan to do.

Over the past three years I’ve published over sixty writers. It’s been a blast and something I hope to continue doing for a long time. The learning curve has been steep and mostly I’ve learned through trial and error. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that publishing books a long and expensive process. On most books we break even. On some we don’t even do that. This isn’t something unique to Guts Publishing. It’s the same with all small indie publishers but something that is rarely spoken about.

I have kept Guts Publishing in business through my own freelance work (editing and coaching) and sales of my paintings. As well, I have received grants and donations, small and large. I’ve also had a number of interns who have worked voluntarily. It’s been an amazing experience and I truly feel blessed to be doing what I am doing.

Throughout my life I have always landed in the arts and have learned to be creative in how I fund my projects. Guts Publishing is the biggest project to date. At the moment I’m raising funds for our next three books (which I’ve selected and I am sending out contracts this week). I am getting in touch with friends and clients who I believe may have an interest in supporting the work I'm doing, and also are interested in my artwork.

I have many paintings in Chicago and I would love to see each one find a good home. If you feel inspired by the work I’m doing, or if you’re simply looking for a new painting, please do take a look at my painting website. The prices are very nice – wholesale.

There are a handful of paintings in Chicago that I still need to photograph, which I’ll post on my Facebook page and website. As well, feel free to stop by for a browse. I’ll be on the north side.

If you’re not in the market for a new painting, you can also make a donation through Guts Publishing’s website. Or consider buying a book. It would be amazing to have your support and I would be forever grateful. It would help to cover costs for marketing assistants, first print runs, book designers and proofreaders so we can bring three more books into the world.

Here’s my painting website – and here’s Guts Publishing’s website -

I’ll be in Chicago from 26 April to 9 May.

Thanks so much for your time. Stay well.

All best,


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