We are thrilled, with a big T, to announce our next anthology, Sending Nudes. It's an intimate collection of fiction, nonfiction and poetry that uncovers the various reasons people send nudes.
Release day is 15 January 2021 and pre-orders are now available. Retail price is £9 and pre-order price is £7.95 (until 14 January). Click here to take a look: gutspublishing.com/sending-nudes
We'll be doing a virtual launch on Zoom, with readings by the contributors, and will keep you posted once that is organized. Here are some details about the work in the anthology:
Some touch on feminist and LGBTQ+ issues, while others focus on aging and our flawed human bodies. Many are light and playful, and some go deeper. The common thread is: they all raise interesting questions about the nude, and why we are compelled to send it.
With the pandemic, and more people sending more nudes than ever, this anthology could not have come at a more appropriate time.
Very pleased to announce our Sending Nudes contributors:
Lynda Scott Araya, Glen Armstrong, Claire Askew, Issy Flower, Edward Ginn, Emma Grae, Katy Haber, Michael Wayne Hampton, Liam Hogan, Shyama Laxman, Rebekah LS, Karla Linn Merrifield, Molly McLellan, Ellie Nova, Michal Kamil Piotrowski and Miriam Navarro Prieto.
You can take a look at their bios and the titles of their stories / poems here: https://www.gutspublishing.com/sending-nudes
And, we have a nice treat for you. Shyama Laxman has recorded a reading of her poem 'The Nudes Editor'. It's kind of like a little movie. Very creative. Sending a big thank you to Shyama for this! xx guts.